Sunday 20 January 2013

Research/Case Studies 2

College Magazine is an American magazine targeted for students in further education .
The Masthead is the largest text on the magazine and is in a bright blue font that represents cool and fresh. This shows that the magazine was issued at the start of a new term and relates to Mike Posner, as he is known for being ‘cool’. The main image overlaps the magazine name as the image is more important. The magazine is already well established so readers do not need to see the whole name to recognise it.

The Anchorage text tells us why Mike Posner is on the front, which explains why it is at the top and in bold next to his head. Therefore, readers are more likely to see it first before, before reading the other text. The text is in gold which connotates being the best and a winner. This therefore relates to what it says ‘Mike Posner is cooler than you’. They used the word ‘cooler’ as this also relates to the name of his first song which was a hit and went to number Readers should relate to this. The word ‘You’ is used to direct readers to the text as it encourages them to want to find out why they refer to them.

The text underneath isn’t in bold like the Anchorage text as its not as important but it advertises a new artist ‘1st world tour’. This is placed under the a worldwide artist, as they know people interested in music are more likely going to see it, having recognised Posner. Additionally, the new artist could be of the same genre and so they may be interested in buying tickets.

The sell lines have one part of its text in bold and a different colour, thus highlighting the most important information to grab its’ readers attention. They also try not to give to much information about everything by using rhetorical questions or quotes .‘ I slept with my professor’ -Illustrating a shocking story that won’t been in any other magazine. Although the speaker is anonymous, it is evident that it was a student, (which are the target audience).

The question ‘Should I break up with my major?’ , is written as if it is a relationship when in fact it is a course, the readers focus on the aspect of it being a relationship because that is what they have told themselves. Its also a question that most students would be asking as well, this persuades them to purchase the magazine to receive a different view and advice from another student.

This follows on to the next line of ‘Careers Do’s and Don’t’s‘ which is a catchy term that you are likely to remember. This also lends advice to students portraying further that its a magazine for college students.

Texting and finding out the latest gossip is what teenagers are most interested in. So by having a line stating ‘Texts from last night’ draws them in and entices them to buy as it doesn’t say what it’s going to be about . It also says ‘get the 411’which is a simplified way of communicating about getting the latest and best gossip. This splits the magazine into a gossip one as well as one to go for to get advice.

Sarcasm is used in one of the sell lines insinuating that its always‘hot in Philadelphia’ , In fact it is known that its not and a rhetorical question is used to see if people found it offensive. Instead it is thought to be ‘hilarious’. This intrigues readers with what occurred in that interview and what was actually talked about.

The main image of Mike Posner shows him with his head held high which shows that he is confident and his eyes are looking directly at the readers to build intimacy. He is also smiling showing that his happy and content. His body language shows that through his confidence he is ready to take whatever is pulled out in front of him as his hands are clasped together. He possibly could be religious as well as its the sign people do when they are about to pray. He has expensive jewellry on, to show off that he has money and is wearing all black which has a connotation of danger.

The layout of the magazine is quiet formal as it has complete straight lines and everything is in a certain order.This shows that it is quiet a serious magazine. It has a limited colour palette of 3 colours. The colours of the text dominate, as the main image is in black. The magazine is ‘100% free’ which is a play on words, its in capitals so readers can see it clearly. The bar code is at the front of the magazine as books have it at the back and its has the website of the magazine underneath so readers can find out more.

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