Sunday 20 January 2013

Research case studies 5

The Masthead is in a black and bold font and is the largest text on the page, so it stands out. It’s been split into three lines, having the most amount of letters on the second line. This gives the title a fun and quirky look.

This Vibe contents page has a limited colour palette of only three colours, Black, Grey and Red. This gives the whole design an old fashioned and formal appearance. They put the large ‘V’ behind the image and text, to still show that it’s vibe magazine. The Red heart is what they want the readers to be drawn to, as it’s the only thing on the page that’s in colour. It’s also been placed on the main image of Kanye West, by an anonymous hand illustrating where his heart should be. Which portrays that Kanye doesn’t have a heart. Relating to what the text on the page says, that questions if his been misunderstood. The hand could symbolise fans, that don’t know him but are judging him.
The main feature of the page is the main image of Kanye West, which is a medium close up of him. It shows him making direct contact with the audience to build intimacy. He has no facial expression, which makes him hard to read but is clear that his not happy. He has both hands in his pocket, showing that his not very confident. His dressed quiet smart and is wearing a blazer that is presently in fashion now, relating to the features of fashion that are in the magazine. His overall body language is very negative as well as the colour scheme of the magazine. As it’s has the theme of love, as the main features of the magazine are, ‘tortured’, ‘the fallen solider’ and ‘heartbreak’.

The Coverlines titles ‘Features’ and ‘Fashion’, are in a bold, italic font. Building a more old fashioned look. The text underneath are all in capitals and still act as teasers by not giving too much of the information to the readers. The numbers of the pages are put before the text as it’s the most important and it’s easier for readers to see it.
The coverlines only shows the information that was on the front page and they are further in the magazine as they start from ’64’. This makes readers look at all the other articles in the magazine before looking at the articles and information that they originally wanted to see.
At the bottom right corner of the contents page, it shows where the magazine is from‘New York city’ and the publishers that helped put it together.

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