Sunday 20 January 2013

Research/Case Studies 1

Billboard is a newsweekly magazine that produced in the US and covers the music industry, Its targeted at ages above 16.

The masthead of the magazine Billboard is always in white in every issue as its the companies logo. So it stands out from any colour thats ever in the background of any issue, making it recognisable for the readers. It’s behind the main image that is Rihanna as she’s more important than the magazine, because its already an established magazine that don’t need to show the name and this issue is substantially about Rihanna.

The skyline is in a yellow, bold font and stands out with the masthead, by having the same yellow that is in the letter ‘d’.
It promotes to readers about a special attraction thats happening this month as the magazine was issued on october 16th and the ‘Film and TV music conference’ is on october 27th-28th. The forceful language ‘register now’ persuades readers to sign up for it now before its too late and the quickest way to do it, Is by buying the magazine to do so. Billboard also shows that it commonly advertises events as it has its own website for it ‘’.

The Anchorage text has ‘Rihanna’ spread out along the middle of the page and is in the same size font as the masthead. The font isn’t as formal as the other text on the page which shows that it will be an informal interview and more playful. This portrays further that Rihanna is more important. They used the term ‘Re-Re’which is Rihanna’s nickname, this interlinks with the quote from Rihanna ‘My fans don’t really know who I am’, which is a play on words as it illustrates a double meaning. Furthermore by saying ‘The re-re invention of Rihanna’ it shows that she’s really coming out of her image and sharing her real self. The quote stimulates that Rihanna has a dark side as she’s known for being a sensitive and caring person from interviews.

The sell lines are in a lot smaller font than everything else on the page as its not as important as Rihanna. ‘Soundscan Q3 Report’ is in a rectangle box , so that its still noticeable on the page. But it’s not in a circle, so the structure of the magazine stays formal. This line shows the readers that they are more serious and are interested about the music industry behind the scenes and latest news‘Digital sales set to exceed physical’.

‘Bull on Parade’is a catchy phrase which sounds like the animal not the actual person‘Pitbull’, to grab readers attention.

‘Multiformat, Multimedia’ is a use of alliteration, this is done to make ‘Pitbulls’ event stay in your head and sound like a fun event to attend to, with the latest technology.

Billboard also shows updates from events that have happened, giving readers the news. To convince them too look inside to find out anything that they may have missed‘Newsmarkers, winners from mobile entertainment live’

The main image of the magazine is Rihanna looking directly at the camera for intimacy,her red hair and red lips can insinuate danger, evil and love. There’s a black shadow in the background covering some of the roses displaying death and darkness, where as the roses connote love. So it could be presenting that Rihanna is going to hide her loving side. Her body language is targeted for the male audience as she’s trying to be seductive as she looks as if she’s crawling. She’s wearing a crop top thats in a pale yellow that connotes happy aspects sunshine and happiness but on the other hand shows her tattoo of a gun which also connotes negative aspects like danger and death. Which contradicts the readers of what she’s trying to display.

The pricing of the magazine is in a small font as its £5.50, which is psychological pricing as it makes you believe your getting it for a cheaper price. There are different prices such as the US dollars which shows that its a worldwide magazine. At the bar code they have two websites which shows that they are a big company and they also have Rihanna’s official website at the bottom.

The whole layout of the magazine is formal as everything consists of straight lines and It has a limited colour palette of 3 main colours.

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