Sunday 20 January 2013

Journalism- (Draft) Double Page spread

Return of the Diva

6 Grammy awards and wants more? Michelle Scott is back with a bang! A new body, a new voice and she is not afraid to show it.

Michelle took a 5 year break to have her 4 year old girl Lucy and to have a break from the stage lights. But now, the pounds have shred and she wants to give the current artists on the stage, ‘a run for their mic’.

‘Hit the stage, like I’ve never hit it before’

She’s hitting off a new vibe by not singing her usual love and heart break songs, but about being a diva and loving life. She’s sending out her new album ‘ink’ across the globe in January. Ink is meant to hit the top of the charts, in record breaking time. So be ready to hit that download button.

‘Performance of a lifetime’

Her sense of style has also changed, as her wardrobe is more gilts and glam than ever before. From walking into the interview with a sequined corset and 6 inch high heels! You wouldn’t have thought she was a mother of three or Michelle Scott for that matter. She said ‘that you will never be too old, to have fun, so a little sparkle here and there. Is just what the doctor ordered’.

We’ve noticed that Michelle has been a Size 10, Size 16 and now a size 6? Where is she going? She’s never been this thin! Her new trainer Mart Parker, who’s had a history of training Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. Has trimmed and slid Michelle into the beach body of the century. His courageous diet is made up of steamed vegetables, fruit and killer miles of running. She said that it was ‘extremely hard work’ but she want to ‘hit the stage, like I’ve never hit it before and give my fans a performance of a lifetime’. So we wish her luck, even though we know she can do it!

We asked Michelle how her life is, being a mother of three. She smiled and said that‘it’s the best feeling in the world, only when you get some sleep in the middle of the night’. I think we all agree on that one.

Later on in the interview we asked Michelle if she feels at all intimidated, from the new upcoming artists. As Rita Ora and Carly Jepsen have each had their first hit single, hit the number one spot in the charts. She replied ‘an experienced sheep should never be worried about the new lambs’. So we asked why the change in genre? She laughed and said ‘I just wanted to try something different and walk into the studio, with something fresh, but so far the risk is working’. But we all wouldn’t mind if she went back to the old her, even though the new her is full of fun!

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