Sunday 20 January 2013

Research Case Studies 4

This double page spread has a limited colour palette of black, red and white. Red represents danger and evil. White represents cleanliness. The main image is of Florence Welsh, who is UK artist that is currently a band.

It’s very hard for UK artists to get into the USA and …have managed to that. They have used one of the lines from their famous song ‘got the love’. This indicates that the USA has now got the love for them.

The font of the text is in italic writing, which is very formal and old fashioned. The layout of the columns is also very formal. This shows that the content of the article could be very serious.

The sheet that is on top of the steps is in red and white strips, to represent the American flag. The steps show how the group have now, climbed up to the top of the music industry.

The main image is a long shot; it takes up the whole of the left side of the page, which shows that Florence is very important. The colour of Florence’s hair is the same colour used in the flag, which makes her hair colour more vibrant. This hair colour is also in style nowadays, as it used to be a colour that people would avoid but now it is back in fashion. She’s making direct eye contact with the audience which builds intimacy.

Her body language shows that she’s very confident, as she is wearing nothing on her legs and has them stretched out. This pose is targeted more at the male audience, as females will be more interested in the shoes that she is wearing. She’s wearing a dress that has black cones on her breasts, which is showing that she’s trying to build the same fashion statement, as Lady Gaga. Her clothing is in all back which represents, darkness and death. This colour goes with the sub title of the double page spread ‘why is Florence Welch lying on her floor attacking herself’. As it shows there’s a dark side that her fans don’t know about. The overall appearance of the magazine is very simple, clear and formal.

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