Sunday 20 January 2013

College Magzine-Audience Feedback& Evaluation

Audience Feedback and Evaluation

I called my college magazine Inspire, as the target of my magazine is to be inspirational for students. As it should hopefully, help them with college life and everything around it.

The layout of the magazine is formal, as it doesn’t have any shapes or different fonts. I did this so that it looked more grown up as students are growing into young adults, so it would look more appealing to them. I had a limited colour palette of three colours, blue, yellow and white. I used these colours as they were bright and can go very well together.

Furthermore it has all the conventions that a typical college magazine would have.
On the top right of Inspire magazine, it has its website where consumers can find out more information about things amongst everything that has been published in the magazine. It also has the issue number, so they know how many have been published so far.

The main image of my magazine cover was a medium close up, of a 16 year old female student in college. She’s wearing a blue dress that went with the limited colour scheme, with a pair of large classes. She was holding a blue folder close to her body to make it clear that she was a student. The background showed a set of yellow lockers, to show that she’s presently at college. My most of my audience feedback told me that this was a good image to have as just from the image you can tell what type of magazine it is.

The main image isn’t more important than the masthead inspire, as the person isn’t a celebrity. So the masthead goes over the image. Inspire is in a dark blue and is the largest font on the page.
The Skyline indicates that it’s the biggest Uk college magazine, this is done so it has an advantage to other magazines. As it portrays to that this would be a better and trustworthy magazine to buy.
The Sell lines involved the topics gossip, education and events to attend to, because these topics are appropriate for this magazine. ‘Book Club’, this relates to the main image.

‘Hot Colourful loud, its fiesta Latina’ I used this as a sell line, as it’s catchy and fun as it describes the event before announcing it.
‘Sir said he will buy the diapers’, shows that there is an article about student having her teachers baby. Student and teacher relationships are showing more in the media industry, so I made one to show that the magazine is up to date.
‘Mix and Match, West end Broadway’,displays another theatre event that is on this month, that people should attend to.

My feedback told me that I had good sell lines and were very relevant but I could have had a better anchorage as it could have been illustrated better, to make it sound more interesting and fun.

I used the line 100% free, for the pricing of inspire and had it in block capitals as this would get my target audience to grab one. As Students don’t tend to have a lot of money as they are still in full time education.

If I had the chance to improve my magazine I would change the anchorage completely, But still make it relevant to my main image. As I thought that it didn’t sound as interesting as the other sell lines on the magazine.

Furthermore I would also change one of the colours in the colour scheme, as I think I should have used a bolder colour instead of white. The white text was hard to see on the yellow background. Black would have been better as it’s easier to see from long distances and it stands out on the colour yellow.

When it comes to developing my music magazine, I need to make sure that I plan the layout of the magazine. When creating my college magazine, I spent too much time rearranging and debating on the layout of the magazine. Where, if I already had a plan, I would have finished it a lot earlier.

Secondly, make sure I have a clear understanding of what I want the issue to be about. So the theme and main image are relevant, as this could lead me into loosing mark. As well as not having my magazine at its full potential.

Thirdly, to make sure that I use bright and bold colours for my magazine colour scheme. If I used the right colours, than the overall appearance of my magazine would be better.

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