Sunday 20 January 2013

Research Case Studies 3

The masthead of Vibe’s front cover is in a thick bold, white font and is the largest text on the page. Consumers are able to see it clearly amongst other competitors that Vibe may have. It’s positioned behind the image of Lil Wayne, which shows that Lil Wayne is more important than the magazine name, in this issue. The first letter ‘V’ in the name isn’t straight showing that the magazine content may not be completely formal.

The skyline lists worldwide artists that will be in the magazine which will attract readers. The text is in bold for ‘Meek Mill’ and ‘Common’ as they are the most important artists for this issue amongst the other artists in the list.

The Main image is a medium close up of Lil Wayne, his body language shows that his confident and in control. His head is held high showing that his important and above us. This is shown further by him wearing a red and gold sailor’s jacket with a feathered hat meaning that he is the captain. The red connotates danger and passion, when it’s presented with gold it connotates power and wealth. His wearing a pair of sunglasses with stars going across his right eye, indicating that he could possibly be looking up at the American flag as a sign of respect. On the other hand it could show that he best or the leader in that country, in the music industry, connecting to the anchorage saying ‘leading man?’.

He has a cross on his neck showing that his religious. He then has a red clock underneath which represents something negative about the time because of its colour.

The Sell lines have artists names in a large font, so it stands out from the other text and portrays that it’s an R&B magazine.

The structure of the magazine is very formal as it doesn’t consist of loads of bright colours and arrows. But keeps to a limited colour pallet 3 main colours; black, white and red. The price is £4.99; it’s shown in a small font as it could be expensive, for its target buyers. So Vibe have made sure that readers like everything that is already on the magazine, before noticing the pricing. The £4.99 is psychological pricing as they don’t make the price the full £5 as they want it to seem cheaper. The bar code is placed at the front of the magazine, as it’s not a book

At the bottom of the page in small print, Vibe explains that it doesn’t agree with everything ‘Chris Rock’ has said about ‘Waka’. Vibe makes it completely clear by saying that Vibe loves ‘Waka’ after stating their view. This tells us that there may be some sort of conflict between Chris Rock and Waka in one of the articles. Vibe does this so there consumers don’t think that there bias and are following the opinion of another artist or trying to persuade people to think the same views as Chris Rock. As this may affect their sales and lose consumers.

Vibe focuses on celebrities, fashion, music, lifestyle and the business about urban music. It has an audience of 58% male and 42% Female, with 77.1% of them being over the age of 21. They have over 15 websites, which have over 13 million monthly consumers

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